Here For You
Education Services

Your Education Partner

~ Services ~


Here For You offers a variety of services in the fields of early childhood and elementary education. These services are designed for  teachers, support personnel, parents, or anyone who has influence on the lives of children. Whether in Head Start programs, child development centers, or elementary schools,  interactive sections include but are not limited to the bulleted list found on the right.


  • Active Supervision
  • Professional Development
  • Educational Workshops
  • Mentoring and Support
  • Home – based Teacher Coaching
  • Parent Engagement Workshops
  • Team Building/Conflict Resolution
  • Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS®) Observations
  • Customized Training




CLASS® Observations & Data Analysis

Programs who need professional Pre-K CLASS® observations and data analysis of scores, Here For You can provide that comprehensive service. This is accomplished with detailed preparation and thorough communication with the designated school administrator. Once observations begin, you can trust that the CLASS® tool will be used with fidelity.  The bound and electronic report will include classroom scores, and aggregated data by center and overall program.

Let our team serve yours!

                           Session Topics

“The 5 W’s”                                             Knowing Your Why

“Stayin’ Alive”                                                    Self Care

“The Weight of Our Words”                   Positive Interactions

“Hakuna Matata”- NOT                    Understanding Childhood Trauma

 This list is NOT exhaustive.  New sessions are continually being created. 

About Me

Motivating teachers and children has always been a passion of mine which is why I earned my Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education and Special Education. Since 2013 I have maintained a current CLASS® (Classroom Assessment Scoring System) certification in Pre-K and Toddler.  My Master’s degree in Management and Leadership allows me to combine my skills to provide quality services that will impact the teachers who care for children near and far.

I have 26 years of teaching experience to include: Head Start Programs- home – based and classroom, private and public schools, as well as home schooling. For 9 years, I was a Correspondence Teacher for an acclaimed International School.  I home schooled my 4 children for 11 years. Additionally, I have provided both on-site and virtual educational administrative facilitation for programs across the nation and its territories.

I will work with you to create a customized plan of action for your organization.  Get in touch to learn more about my consulting services and how I may partner with you.

Contact Form

Please fill out and submit the form below if you prefer email correspondence. Let me get to know you.

I Am Here For You~Your Education Partner



Here For You Education Services

P. O. Box 221

Delmar, DE 19940